Computer-Assisted Translation
In most translation contexts, be it
organizations or private companies, some parts of the
documents to be translated are actually repetitions of
other documents which were previously translated. Besides, each
organization has its own terminology and
style which must be respected for the sake of precision and
translators need tools to detect whether a given part of a text was
translated or not, and to let them know how a specific concept should
be translated in a specific context for a
specific customer. This is what Computer-Assisted Translation (CAT) is
about: providing software tools to
translators to help them improve the accuracy and consistency of their
work and to support their
CAT tools generally include bi-text alignment
tools (see below), translation memories and terminological
management tools, as well as supporting tools such as terminology
extractors, word counting tools, format
converters, and even translation management solutions, interfaces with
electronic document management systems,
A Concordancer composed of a Text Aligner and a Quote Detector
Text Aligner :
Quote Detector :
myCat was developed by Simple
Shift at the request of several international organizations who
were looking for an extremely simple tool to re-use their
previously-translated documents as references for the
next translations. It is currently in beta-testing phase and includes
the following modules:
- A
bi-text aligner, which allows finding terms and expressions in
full-text documents and aligning automatically the source and target
versions of the reference documents. Thus it provides
translators with the term in context, in both the source and target
reference documents.
- A
quote detector, which allows detecting all the parts of a text which
were previously translated, and shows the corresponding documents in
source and target versions with an automatic alignment.
The core value of myCat is its
automatic alignment of the source and target versions:
It avoids translators looking manually into the source
document, then finding and opening the target language
equivalent and browsing it until they find the translation. It saves a
lot of research time!
What is unique about myCat is
its alignment technology: It is built on the statistical machine
translation tool called Moses (see the myMT page), which we use to build
translation maps for every document pair in the reference corpus in all
the customer's working languages. Translation maps allow the system to
know which source sentence contains the required term and
which sentence is the most probable translation in the target
document. This break-through technology is not perfect since
it relies on probabilistic models, but it is in average much more
efficient than simpler alignment approaches such as working on document
proportions, counting full-stop marks, looking at paragraph
numbering and figures, etc.
Version 1.0 of myCat is
available since November 2011.
More modules should be
added to myCat over time, including a
terminological management tool and a translation memory tool.
Interfaces should also be developed with myMT in
order to integrate the MT and CAT tools in a single platform,
and with open-source and other CMS
tools so as to allow for adequate document management.