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Simple Shift  
Language Engineering


Rising Sun




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About the Team

Simple Shift was created in 2008 by two Language Engineering practitioners, Jacques Guyot and Karim Benzineb, who have been working together for over a decade and have close links with the University of Geneva.

Jacques has a deep understanding of the mathematics underlying the algorithms and tools he uses or builds. Karim has an extensive experience as a professional translator and a designer of computer-assisted translation (CAT) tools.

About Jacques Guyot

 Jacques Guyot Jacques Guyot is a senior computer scientist with over 15 years of experience in taking academic R&D to the corporate world. He co-authored the first book written in French about Java (freely available here). Jacques holds a PhD in Computer Science from the University of Geneva.

 About Karim Benzineb

 Karim Benzineb Karim Benzineb is a translator and CAT tool designer who previously founded and/or managed several software and service companies in the field of Computer-Assisted Translation and Content Management. Karim holds a BA in Business Languages from the University of Lyon and a Translation degree, a Computational Linguistics postgraduate degree and an MBA (major in Knowledge Management) from the University of Geneva.