Simple Shift leads research & development efforts and develops
breakthrough technologies and
tools, generally
based on
artificial intelligence, in various fields which are directly
related to its area of expertise :
- Automated alignment of unstructured
text (in order to build translation memories and other automated
translation tools)
- Contextual search
(based on the calculation of semantic distance with regards to
previously-built contextual profiles)
- Automated classification of
electronic documents
- High-scalability indexing (up to 5
billion words, i.e. about 18 million A4 pages indexed
in 12 hours on each indexing unit)
Some Articles and Books
- UNIGE Experiments on Robust Word
Sense Disambiguation. J. Guyot, G. Falquet, S. Radhouani, K.
Benzineb. In Proc. CLEF 2008 Workshop, Aarhus, 2008
- Construire un moteur d'indexation. J. Guyot, G. Falquet, K. Benzineb (in French).
Technique et science informatique (TSI), Hermes, Paris, 2006
- Computer-Assisted Categorization of
Patent Documents in the International Patent Classification. C.J. Fall, K. Benzineb, J. Guyot, A.
Törcsvári, P. Fiévet, Proceedings of ICIC 2003
- Conception et réalisation des bases
de données : de UML à SQL. J. Guyot, Ed. systèmes et information, Genève,
2002 (Note:
this is a 2 Mb file)
First Book about Java in French
In 1997 Jacques Guyot co-authored
the first book
in French about the Java programming language. This book was re-printed
in 1999. It can be freely downloaded
Java : de l'esprit à la méthode.
Distribution d'applications sur Internet. M. Bonjour, G. Falquet, J. Guyot, A. Le Grand.
Ed. Vuibert, 1999. (Note: this is
a 6.5 Mb zip file)